Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring IS Here

Today it is confirmed: Spring is here. Here's how I know. First, as I as walking to the parking garage after work, I heard birds chattering noisily. Looking up, I saw two tiny birds, one whose beak was stuffed with sticks and leaf stems twice as long as its little self, apparently building a nest in a utility box with wires coming out of it, near the top of a building in the alley. The closest tree, surrounded by a little patch of dried grass, is about 100 feet away on the street. Think about the force of Nature that compels those birds to make that 200-foot round trip dozens or hundreds of times until the nest is just right. How do they know when it's completed? What if it storms or snows in the next few weeks? I'm glad to know they will be there and I'll try to get some photos.
Second, the tree frogs were vociferating loudly as the sun set tonight--always a sure sign that winter is over, or almost.

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