The bird troubles continue at Casa Jones. Now a pair of hawks have moved in and decided to establish a household. I noticed them a few weeks ago. Whenever we'd go outside, we'd hear their crazy screaming. One day as I turned the corner to the patio, they flew off the fence around the propane tank. I thought they were owls--screech owls, of course. A few days later Jerry saw them on the old fencepost in the back yard and realized they were hawks. Usually I see two of them but Jerry has seen three at a time. They hang out in the woods near the house, or on the other side of the lawn in the cedar stand.
Last week as I came down the driveway I saw them sitting at the end of the stone wall. One flew into the trees, the other jumped down to the ground and seemed to be acting as if it were injured. No, it was trying to drag a dead rabbit away! Instead it flew off, too. I felt bad having disrupted their dinner. I know they worked hard for that bunny. Happily Abigail is big enough to not interest them. However, our visiting dachshund Daisy is a tempting little rotundo who may appear to be a tasty treat to the hawks. We'll have to pay close attention next time she comes over.
Living in the wild nature is a great adventure. But I'm just about ready for the hawks to move along.
1 comment:
Good God! How big are these hawks?
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